
This is my I'm on VACATION face!!! So excited this is the first time since I have finished hygiene school that I have had a paid vacation!!!!!!!!!!!! Very exciting for me! I have not been off for more than a few days (except maternity leave which was unpaid, got up every hour breast feeding so that does NOT count) since I started working so this is going to be so nice! I started my vacation by hanging out with Addi, Sherman and Zoey. Justin is working so we hung out and made hair bows. (Which are very cute I might add) Tomorrow it is some laundry and house cleaning and then pedicure! Then we are going to Red River for a few days! I can not wait so HAPPY VACATION TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!


The Johnsons said...

Happy (paid) vacation! Have a great time! I'm a little bit jealous...

gjones said...

YAY!!! So excited for you! Enjoy every minute of it and the best part is, it is paid vaca!!!! Can't beat a deal like that!! I love your vacation face!!!:)