
Happy Father's Day!!!

Happy Father's Day Justin!!! We had a good day yesterday (we celebrated on Saturday). For the most part we were LAZY! Justin watched golf for awhile and I didn't do much either. On Friday, I made J his favorite dessert. It was with strawberry and cream cheese and whip cream so GOOD! J got an I-phone and he loved it. I want to tell J thank you for ALL that he does. He is an amazing husband/dad/person. Addi and I are so blessed to have him. I hope he had a great day!

Today we went to see my mom's new house and hang out with her for awhile. J has to work. Father's day are definitely better now that we have Addi but today is still hard for me. My Dad died almost 7 years ago and things are much better than they use to be but I still can't help to think about what it would be like today if my dad was here. I would love to see him with Addi. When my dad was sick and for about a year after he died was the hardest time in my life. People would tell me how proud my dad was of me. It was always amazing to me that at the worst time of my life and all the bad decisions I made that my dad still found a reason to feel proud of me. I understand more now that I have Addi. But I really wish he could see my life now. Who knows maybe he can....

1 comment:

gjones said...

I am glad Justin had a good Father's day! I want to send a big hug to you to try to comfort you and thinking of your Father! I think he is looking down on you and your family always and I think he is grining ear to ear seeing you as a mom and wife and amazing woman and he radiates pride! Love you so much and am thinking of you! xoxo!!!