
Random Things

~I can not believe it is almost July it seems like a few weeks ago it was last July and I was pregnant

~I am only working two days a week right now and I am really enjoying it I never thought that we could swing it financially but with J working a second job, his raise at work and part time day care it has really been working fine

~I do get bored and sometimes lonely being at home all the time without Justin he is gone alot

~I love my dogs but they get on my last nerve -their breathing- their stink-their behavior when the door bell rings  I wish they could stay outside  Sherman was outside for 10 minutes and he is still recovering an hour later

~I miss sleep E is still not sleeping good and today he is 10 months its getting old getting up at night

~It was so much fun watching the Thunder games the whole city was so crazy excited

~Justin and I are doing weight watchers again I just felt so much better when I was eating right

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