

A lot of things change when you have kids.  Most things I don't miss much or maybe you just get use to your new way of life.  One thing I do miss is time with Justin.  We try to have one of us at home with the kids while the other one works so that means a lot of the time one of us is working.  We usually have one day a week that we are both home.  On those days, I like it to be all of us and usually end up doing something like going to the zoo. 

But this past weekend we hired a babysitter to watch Addi and Easton while we went out to eat.  She is our neighbor and her parents have told us many time that she would love to babysit.  I guess I never asked because I was nervous we have only had family adult family watch them and if they couldn't then we just didn't go. 

So I asked and she said she would love to.  I told her to come over at 6:30 and she was here at 6:00 just in case I needed to tell her anything.  When we got back Addi was eating a hotdog and Easton was carrying a weiner around giving the dogs bites in between his own bites.  They were happy they were safe and they were sleepy.

When we got home her dad texted and said how happy she was we had asked her and that she was excited all week.  Then he thanked ME for trusting her and that she had a good time.

I think we will be going to dinner more often.

I had to crop Easton out of this picture because that is another thing when you have kids you no longer have pictures with just the two of you.

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