

No work for me on Friday.  I know I only work 2-3 days a week and only 6 hours on Fridays but there is just something good about having a Friday off.  So we invited Blakely and Brantley over for some cupcke decorating.   

We played outside and did some bubble blowing it was beautiful Saturday and Sunday.  I went and had my hair done thank goodness.  It was getting B-A-D!  New haircut always makes me feel good.
I think I may have over edited this picture :)  We went to church on Sunday felt good to go.  I liked the church we tried but the regular preacher was not preaching so we will go back and try it out some more.  Addi said I am so excited about Jesus!

One of the things the preacher asked today was when you pray do you ask God what he wants you to do for him how to serve him or is it a wish list.
That has me thinking.  I am guilty of the wish list praying.
Now time to clean we are having people over for the superbowl and I need to mop!

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