
Hair Stuff

Fabulous Photography...
So I have thicker hair but it is fine make sense?  And it is very straight.  Here are the products I use....
Hairspray is TIGI Bed Head Hard Head  This stuff really works I use to use the $3 hairspray and it did not work it didnt hold and you have to use alot more of the cheap stuff.
Bed Head Small Talk
I put this in my hair when it is still wet before blow drying it.  It seems fuller when I use this and it smells good.

Big Sexy Hair powder play
this stuff is amazing it is powder that you sprinkle on your roots after drying and it adds texture.  Scrunch your hair later and it poofs it back up.

Paul Mitchell straightner 
Justins mom got me this one year for Christmas and I really really love it.   Before I had a cheap straightner and it really sucked.  This works faster and you do not have to keep going over the same piece again and again.
I am trying to grow my hair out and it is brutal!!!!  I hate growing it out but I am sick of the same haircut I have had for 22 years now. 

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